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The Health Care Database (HCD) is made up of several related technologies and data formats which combine together to form one massive online application that serves the medical practice in totality.

The technologies and data formats used in the Health Care Database include the following: Electronic Health Record (EHR), Electronic Medical Record (EMR),   Personal Heath Record (PHR),  Accounting (Income and Expences), Inventory (Stock levels), Payroll (Personel management), Content Management System (CMS), Health Care Cards (HCC), Quick Response Code (QR Code), Structured Query Language (SQL), Active Server Pages (ASP) Extensible Markup Language (XML), Hash Code Encryption (HCE), Mobile Health (mHealth), etc, find details below regarding all the above technologies.

Electronic Health Record (EHR/EMR)
The overall structure of the Health Care Database is based on the EHR model. An Electronic Health Record is a digital version of an individual's medical data. all data is collected and managed by multiple authorized healthcare providers, and can be exchanged electronically among them. It consists of information gathered by organizations over a period of time, it's often referred to as a longitudinal record rather than information from a single visit to a doctor or hospital.

An individual's health record may include demographic data, medical history and clinical information, such as laboratory, radiology and pharmacy data. Additionally, EHR systems give patients a way to access some portion of their electronic record through personal health record (PHR) services, which allow patients to view such information as lab results through a secure Web portal.

Personal Health Record (PHR)
The Health Care database gives you access to your personal health record, A personal health record is an electronic record that patients access with an application that allows them to manage their health information "in a private, secure and confidential environment", a PHR service is a component of EHR technology that gives patients a way to contribute information on symptoms or disease management to their records and communicate with their providers. A PHR contains the same information as an EHR but the patient can access it. ie a PHR is a subset of an EHR

Quick Response Code (QR Code)
We are currently using QR code technology at the back of every Health Care Card, this this technology allows quick responders to scan your card with any mobile phone that has a QR code reader in order to access vital information about you in case of an amergency. A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device such as a camera, and processed using Reed–Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted. The required data is then extracted from patterns that are present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image.

Hash Code Encryption (HCE)
We use HCE as an ideal way to store or transmit passwords and related data, hashes are inherently one-way in their nature, by storing passwords in hash format, it's very difficult for someone with access to the raw data to reverse it. With any future login attempts, we hash the password the user enters and compare it with the stored hash. If the two match up, then it's virtually certain that the user entering the password entered the right one. Hashing is great for usage in any instance where we want to compare a value with a stored value for security reasons.

Mobile Health (mHealth)
The Health Care Database is responsive, which mean it is accessible using any mobile device including smart phones plus any other device that can be able to connect to the internet. penetration of mobile internet services has drastically increased over the last few years, this therefore provides increased access to the database from some of the remote locations country wide.  Since the database is responsive, it therefore has the ability to transform any personal devices, like smartphones, into meaningful wellness tools, thus empowering healthier lives everyday.

Diseases and definitions

Allergies and definitions

Conditions and definitions


"... your health records should be stored on servers, not shelves."

"... and finaly! a health care system that is interoperable and integrated with accounting"

"... accelerate the seamless exchange of health information"

"... real time patient analytics"

"... you won’t have to worry about paper records being misfiled, lost or even stolen"

"... efficiency while maintaining pateint safety".

"Your data securty comes first in every thing we do"

We are inter-connecting all: patients, doctors and medical facilities in order to improve health care

... we are determined to slove the problem of interoperability.
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